First QSO with KPH

First QSO with KPH - by Denis OBrien N2JJF I joined the Marconi Marine Co in March 1970 as the 2nd r/o onboard the steam ship " Bencruachan". The chief r/o just had me do the listening watch enroute from London to Panama. After the Canal I decided it was time for me to contact a coast station on my own for the first time. The bridge handed me an OBS message. I powered on the Crusader transmitter and started calling KPH on 8Mhz. I got an immediate response and moved to the working freq where I successfully transmitted the OBS message. It was such a great feeling. I had actually transmitted my first message from the ship without any assistance. So KPH coast station will always be remembered by me as being my "first".I spent 2 years with Marconi Co and then became a freelance R/.O working with various foreign flag companies. My  last 7 years were spent with the Sanko Marine Co from Japan working on their oil tankers..Some of the ships I sailed on were:Arabian Addax, Manhattan Duke, Pageantry, Brilliancy,Sanko Crest, Sanko Trust, Kavo Delfini, Al Mansouriah, Reefer Merchant, Virginia Star, Landwade, Maritime Resource, Cape Ray, Cape Sear, Hamburger Senator. All in all I had 14 years at sea and I can honestly say the R/O had the best job onboard. Regards Denis OBrien N2JJF

Working the Russians at NMC


WSF 1963-1968